Healthy Eating in the GAA

By IT Officer Thu 1st Nov

Healthy Eating in the GAA
Healthy Eating in the GAA

It is hard to ignore the growing trend of ‘clean’ healthy eating that is sweeping Irish shores, unless you have been living under a rock, munching on a bag of Tayto and a Tangle-twister!

Regardless of this, Irish data* shows that, despite two-thirds (66.4%) of Irish males surveyed being overweight/obese, 55% felt that they did not have to make changes to their diet as it was healthy enough. The message is loud and clear that what you eat can help you achieve your goals from exuding energy and health for that first date to living longer than your grandparents.

The following article discusses a number of areas through which eating good foods can help achieve your goals.

“There’s no better feeling than taking part in a tough session and refueling your body afterwards with the right food. There’s no point doing all the hard work exercising to undo it by taking in the wrong food” – Aaron Kernan, Club All Ireland Winner with Crossmaglen Rangers GAC

Feed your Brain

Is there anything worse than meeting them the morning after the night before and not remembering their name?! In light of keeping these embarrassing moments to minimum researchers have found certain foods contain nutrients which can help keep your thinking and memory sharp.

Omega 3 fatty acids, especially the type found in fatty fish and egg yolks are the most important for brain health, as 60% of your brain is composed of fat. A recent study found a significant increase in memory recall in older healthy people supplementing with omega 3 acids after a 6 month period compared to those using a placebo. A 2010 study found that people who ate food high in omega 3 acids had an approximate 40% lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s compared to people who did not. Enjoy an egg for breakfast and sardines for lunch to boost daily brain power!

By IT Officer Thu 1st Nov

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