Gambling, Alcohol & Drug Education in the GAA

By IT Officer Tue 25th Sep

Gambling, Alcohol & Drug Education in the GAA
Gambling, Alcohol & Drug Education in the GAA

Gambling, Alcohol & Drug Education in the GAA

ASAP programme

The Alcohol & Substance Abuse Prevention (ASAP) Programme was the GAA’s first foray into more formal health promotion. A joint venture with the Health Service Executive (HSE) the ASAP programme was introduced in 2006 at a time when Ireland’s alcohol consumption was at an all-time high (peaking at over 14 litres of pure alcohol per person ages 15+).

The ASAP programme today includes tobacco education reflecting the desire by many GAA clubs to become completely smoke-free campuses (inspired by the examples of pioneering clubs in the GAA Healthy Club Project).

While each GAA club was once recommended to have a dedicated ASAP officer, the programme has now been included into the broader agenda delivered through the new health and wellbeing structure of at national, provincial, county, and club level.

The ASAP Programme aims to tackle the issue of alcohol and substance abuse through three key approaches:

Prevent alcohol and other drug related problems from happening
Educate members about relevant issues
Respond appropriately should a problem arise

Extensive resources such as the Club ASAP policy and guidelines, manual, flyers, and SAOR (Brief Intervention) training booklets have been developed and are available to access and review by clicking on the relevant tabs above.

Ask about alcohol

The Health Service Executive (HSE) provides a trusted and comprehensive website for the public on alcohol – about how much we’re drinking, how it affects our health, and how we can gain more by drinking less. The main purpose of the website is to improve peoples knowledge about alcohol.

Click HERE to view some evident based public information and health advice about alcohol.

Problem gambling

Problem gambling is becoming a growing concern in modern Ireland. To respond to this growing concern, the Association has produced a booklet of basic guidelines as an educational resource for our players, members, and clubs.

This document aims to assist GAA members in identifying what problem gambling is and to encourage those who may be experiencing a difficulty to seek support and assistance. It also highlights the strict regulations and consequences – both within GAA rule and the broader laws of the land – regarding match-fixing or the use of insider information for the financial gain of the individual or team concerned, or any third parties involved.

The Community & Health department, with the support of the National Health & Wellbeing Committee is also currently developing a gambling awareness workshop that will be tested at Congress 2017. It is hoped that a powerpoint presentation highlighting key risk and actions a club or squad can take will be available to interested persons before the end of September 2017.

By IT Officer Tue 25th Sep

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